Before you go out to play or practice golf, you should do dynamic stretching to warm up your golf muscles. If you go to any collegiate or professional golf tournament, you will not find many players doing static stretching.

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

Static Stretching

Static stretching means a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds. Static stretching is the most common form of stretching found in general fitness and is considered safe and effective for improving overall flexibility. However, many experts consider static stretching much less beneficial than dynamic stretching for improving range of motion for functional movement, including sports and activities for daily living.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching means a stretch is performed by moving through a challenging but comfortable range of motion repeatedly, usually 10 to 12 times. Although dynamic stretching requires more thoughtful coordination than static stretching (because of the movement involved), it is gaining favor among athletes, coaches, trainers, and physical therapists because of its apparent benefits in improving functional range of motion and mobility in sports and activities for daily living.

Note that dynamic stretching should not be confused with old-fashioned ballistic stretching (remember the bouncing toe touches from PE classes?). Dynamic stretching is controlled, smooth, and deliberate, whereas ballistic stretching is uncontrolled, erratic, and jerky. Although there are unique benefits to ballistic stretches, they should be done only under the supervision of a professional because, for most people, the risks of ballistic stretching far outweigh the benefits.

Below I have taken some screen shots for a stretching program put together for one of my college teams by a former PGA Tour fitness coach.

Your agenda this week:
1. Incorporate this stretching routine each day before going to the golf course.
*Once again I am not a fitness professional, do not incorporate these exercise if a doctor is advised you not to.

Dynamic stretching for golf fitness



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