Preparing for a tournament involves a strategic process. Every player has a different routine but their is a method to their madness.

Here is a general routine that I have found to be successful with most players.

You should

  1. Experiment with this routine listed below
  2. Journal how you felt going into your round. What you liked/disliked and make necessary adjustments to your routine before next round.

Tournament Preparation Information

General Information
1. Proper Nutrition the day before and morning of
– Hydrate, carbs/protein, bananas, eggs
2. Meal plan and load your back with proper food to keep your mind focus
3. Proper amount of sleep, very important!

Day before
1. Do your normal practice routine
2. Map golf course in practice round (see yardage book post from earlier)
3. Proper nutrition/sleep
4. Meal plan for foods to put in your bag

Day of Prep
1. Wake up at least 3 hours before tee time
2. Proper breakfast
3. Dynamic stretching routine before golf warm up (15 min)
4. Golf Course warm up – start small then big
– Focus is to get loose and gain feel for the day. Your work has been done leading up for the tournament!
– Warm up putting
– 3 feet, multiple balls, focus on seeing the ball go in the hole for confidence
– Mid range, one ball, going through routine
– Lag putt drills, getting feel for speed of for greens
– Short game
– Chips, pitches, sand – 5 -10 balls with each shot to gain feel
– Full swing
– wedge, short iron, long iron, fairway wood, driver, wedge
– Play first tee shot in your head and hit
– Get to first tee at least 10 min early to relax and get ready

Post Round
– Post Round Review Sheet.
– At the end of the tournament fill out the post tournament review sheet. 


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