Learn how to hit a proper pitch shot to increase power and consistency in your full swing.

Amateurs often do not spend enough time hitting basic pitch shots when practicing. If you can establish the core fundamentals a pitch shot requires to hit it solid, you will improve your distance and accuracy in the full swing.

Why do pitch shots improve impact over full swing practice?

It is slower and smaller, which allows you better feel to ensure you are doing the proper technique. When you speed up the swing and make a longer back swing, players tend to do different things that put them in bad positions. They then have to manipulate the down swing and their impact position suffers as a result.

– Creates proper impact position
– You will compress the golf ball

What is the proper basic pitch shot technique?

Set up square to slightly open stance with your feet

Get the ball position center of your stance

Limit the amount of movement in your lower body – a steady foundation (lower body) improves your consistency of contacting the ball solid.

Turn properly without swaying your legs or any up and down movement with your upper body

Relax and swing your arms as your body turns

Be confident and accelerate through the shot

Every golfer should warm up with at least 25 shots with pitch shots from 20-30 yards. You can start at the short game area at your course and improve your feel around the greens while improving your impact position. If you have good discipline in your practice, try to spend 80% of your full swing practice hitting half shots (pitch shots) and working on tempo of the golf swing. Spend the other 20% hitting various clubs, aiming at various targets. If you can do this, you will improve your ball striking dramatically!

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