There are many ways to play this game, it is our job as a professional coach to help you find the most efficient way for you to play this game according to your specific goals and lifestyle.
I am extremely happy with the response we have received from our students, and golfers buying into our “holistic” approach to game improvement. Although some amateur golfers (and instructors) still deem it unconventional, the style in which we train at Golf Performance Group has been researched, studied and proven effective by nearly all the top players, coaches, and experts in various fields.I have been blessed to have worked with some of the best coaches in the world, in addition to playing alongside some of the best players in the world and I have a passion for sharing what I have learned with other passionate golfers. I believe private “technical” lessons are only a piece of the process when trying to improve as a golfer. Equal or if not more important, is developing a mindset that creates success on the golf course.
How you practice, balancing different practice styles, dictates your mindset and how much you will improve on the course, which is the ultimate goal – shooting lower scores. Technique is important, but way overdone for most golfers. What other sport have you played that focuses primarily on your technique, rather than playing the game? I.e. picking up a basketball and shooting, or throwing a baseball. Imagine if you trained the technical aspect of throwing a ball.. We would all end up like legendary baseball player Chuck Knoblauch. (note: I just googled how to spell his name and he is a Houston Native!)
Additional benefits related to our training programs:
Learn different practice styles and “game like training”. Case studies done by leading researchers and experts in the sports psychology/ performance coaching field. have proven that balancing private lessons with game like training to you player development plan is much more effective than simply taking just a 1-hour private lesson (technique only, causes confusion, frustration and sometimes makes people worse)
In addition to learning important practice styles, access to the resources I have invested in, using them effectively, receiving accurate feedback consistently is key to improving faster, and achieving your peak performance.
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