Did you know golf is the “worst practiced” sport in the world. pgacacoachonline.com is designed to give golfers strategically designed programs, proven to lower scores quickly.
Research studies indicate that the average golfer has improved an average of 2 shots per round due solely to improvement in golf equipment. It also hows that the American golf instruction model is way behind compared to countries such as Australia, Sweden, Norway, etc…
Why? Because we are brain washed to take “1 hour golf lessons” that are technique driven – verse programs similar to how we train in other sports like baseball and basketball.
My goal is to provide golfers with innovative training programs that include the essential aspects for development. Each program is performance based, giving you a step-by-step process for improvement in a specific area. I will give you dummy proof drills, videos, practice strategies and calendars so you know exactly what to work on.
“After doing your drills and make it simple, I had 27 putts in my last round. You’re right, hitting solid putts makes a huge difference!”
“I am filling great about my game right now, oozing with confidence! I am convinced that your program works and my game is finally progressing like I always wanted, thanks JJ!”