columbus golf lessons

Alignment vs Awareness

Alignment for golf. Is it important? alignment for golf

Recently I did a 2 day seminar on a mental training aid that is supposed to measure your brainwaves throughout your golf pre shot routine and while swinging the golf club. There were numerous topics covered in this seminar, one of which was alignment.

The two men said many things that I may or may not agree with, but the main point I am going to talk about today is when they made the statement “alignment to the target is not important when executing a golf shot”.

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Lower Your Scores

Lower Your Scores by Learning Your Game Before constructing a game plan to lower your scores and become a better golfer, you need to fully understand yourself as a golfer before you can make improvements. Lets get start your golf improvement by answering a few questions: Who are you as a golfer? Personality traits should

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Understand Your Game

Lower Your Scores by Understanding Your Game Practice time at course 30 minutes to 1 hour of time Before constructing a game plan to lower your scores and become a better golfer, you need to fully understand yourself as a golfer before you can make improvements. This also gives you a taste improving your full

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Golf Swing Changes

Getting comfortable with golf swing changes

When making golf swing changes, most people revert back to what’s comfortable.

A few things you need to know before giving up on your new golf swing changes that will make you a better player in the long run:

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